Business Graphic Designers are Different From Graphic Artists
To the common man, a graphic artist is the same as a graphic designer. However, there are differences and businesses need graphic designers Melbourne based, not graphic artists. If you have a graphic artist you know you can certainly expect the artist to come up with impressive visuals. However, visuals are one part of the story.
Graphics are Part of The Visual Story
Businesses need striking visuals that a graphic artist can come up with. However, it is graphic. It goes into a layout comprising of fonts and text blocks and color composition. This is what a graphic designer Melbourne based does. He puts together all the elements into a pleasing composition. Do you want a brochure? The artist draws graphics. The designer puts images, text, and graphics together. The designer will put together not just one layout but several so that the client can decide which one suits him best.
Designers Must Know a Lot More
A graphic artist may have a natural talent. It can be further refined with art schooling. A graphic designer must be conversant with advertising, marketing, typography and computer graphics packages to be able to deliver results. Usually, designers acquire such skills through a degree course. A graphic artist delivers a graphic image. The designer may provide inputs on what is needed keeping in mind whether that graphic goes into a brochure or hoarding or into digital media.
Artists Work Alone, Designers Work as a Team
The art that flows from the artist’s pen usually originates in his mind based on ideas he has or ideas provided to him. The designer can work alone. However, in most cases, designers work as part of a team that includes marketing people, researchers, and print media side. You could say the graphic design expert must also be good at interfacing and collaborating with other people. An artist uses the medium of visuals to tell a story. The designer uses the graphic and the medium to convey a message that resonates with the business and its goals. The target is specific: customers who will buy. Therefore, their perspective is focused to achieve a goal whereas artists enjoy the freedom of expression.
Should I Choose a Graphic Artist or Graphic Designer?
If you run a business you will want excellent visuals in your infographics, catalogs, brochures, flyers, company stationery, and digital media. You need designers who understand all these aspects. The designer himself may create artwork or get an artist to do it but he understands the business side of design and integrates everything.
Individuals may change their location and become inaccessible. The better way is to retain a graphic design company located in Melbourne for your design needs. This way you are assured of continuity and excellence since a team, not just one individual, works on your design side.
Platinum Website Design is a graphic designer Melbourne based with integrated digital marketing and web development services included in their services pack.